Thank you for your interest in Total Package Express, Inc.  Here are some tips to help us approve your application without delay.  The most common reason for an application to be delayed is missing or incorrect work history.  We use HireRight to confirm the accuracy of the information you provide, so please take your time, answer every question in detail and print legibly.  All gaps in employment must be explained in writing.


  •  Applicant must be at least 24 years of age with a minimum of two (2) years verifiable driving experience.
  • Driving experience must be within the past six (6) years.
  • Flatbed drivers must have two (2) years of steel hauling experience.
  • Van drivers must have at least one (2) years of experience pulling a 53 foot trailer.


  • Applicant must provide all employers (both DOT and non-DOT) within the preceding three years of the application date. Please list the complete mailing address with the street number, city, state and zip code.
  • List past employers in order starting with the most recent.
  • All gaps of employment must be explained in writing.


  • Clear copy of license.  Texting a picture is preferred, since copies often end up too dark.  Call the Safety Department for number to text license (513) 741-5500.
  • Copy of physical certification with long form.
  • Copy of truck title (front and back) and registration.
  • Copy of the trailer registration.
  • Copy of Bobtail/Physical Damage insurance.
  • Clear Copy of IRS Form 2290 Schedule 1 with IRS stamp or watermark.

    Note: You will be required to get a new tractor and trailer Annual Inspection at one of our approved shops prior to leasing on.  TPE will pay for these inspections.
    Please submit all required documents to (513) 741-5507.  You can also email the documents to [email protected].

    Apply Now Click here to Apply Now.

Thank you for your interest with Total Package Express Inc.